November 3rd, 2021

Emergency mental health teams needed

HALIFAX - Emergency Mental Health Teams are part of the solution to the health care crisis in Nova Scotia. Today, the NDP Caucus will use its Opposition Day to require the Conservative government to respond to legislation that would create a fourth team of first responders dedicated to mental health emergencies.

“Emergency mental health teams would have the proper training and skillset to provide support to people experiencing a mental health crisis,” said Lisa Lachance, NDP Mental Health spokesperson. “I encourage the Conservative government to pass this legislation and start building emergency mental health supports throughout the province right away.”

The Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team currently provides a similar service in the Halifax Regional Municipality, but other regions of the province do not have a comparable service.

“People in Cape Breton and across the rural mainland should have equitable access to emergency mental health services,” said Susan Leblanc, NDP Health and Wellness spokesperson. “Expanding access to emergency mental health teams in other areas of the province, and improving the service as it exists in HRM, is an important step to addressing the health care crisis.”

The NDP Caucus will call Bill 26, the Emergency “911” Act (amended), and Bill 19, the Owls Head Act, for second reading debate today.
