February 13th, 2024

Houston should give families a break, provide relief from unnecessary fees

HALIFAX – As Nova Scotians continue to face rising costs, the Houston government must give families a break. The NS NDP is calling on the Houston government to get rid of unnecessary vehicle inspections and license fees.

“Life is getting more and more expensive and government revenues have never been higher. Everyday Nova Scotians are feeling the pinch and deserve a break,” said NDP Leader Claudia Chender. “The cost of food increased over six percent last year, and 13 percent the year before. Power rates have increased 14 percent in two years, and yet the Houston government has done little to help people make ends meet.”

To help Nova Scotians right now, the government should waive unnecessary fees for vehicle permit renewals, the fee you pay to keep your registration up to date. Depending on the weight of your car the fee can range from $150 to over $300.

“This is the most expensive sticker you’ll ever buy and the government requires you to spend this money. In the face of the current affordability crisis, the Premier could give everyday Nova Scotians a break and waive these fees,” said Chender.

The NS NDP is also calling on the government to waive fees for license renewals, basic identification cards, and change of name or address requests. Along with changing Motor Vehicle Inspections to every five years from every two – bringing Nova Scotia more in line with most other provinces.