October 15th, 2024

Minister should meet with Jennifer Brady: Chender

HALIFAX – Nova Scotia’s New Democrats are calling on the Houston government to work with Jennifer Brady and find solutions to get her the care she needs.

Brady lives with debilitating lymphedema and has been trying to access treatment for years. Last month, Health Minister Michelle Thompson told reporters that her department will "work with the individual directly" to find a path forward.

In response to the Minister’s comments, Brady reached out to the department. She says they have since refused to meet with her.

“Every day I live with excruciating pain. My condition can be treated, but the Department of Health won’t help me access the health care I need to address it,” said Brady. “This has been an ongoing battle for years. The Health Minister has the discretion to approve my treatment, but instead, her department chooses to fight me in court. I’m going to continue to fight to ensure there’s accountability in our health system and to make sure others in my situation have more support that I’ve been given.”

There are no lymphedema specialists in Nova Scotia and the province has denied Brady’s medical coverage for out-of-province care multiple times. She has since applied to end her life through Medical Assistance in Dying.

NSNDP Leader Claudia Chender and Health Spokesperson Susan Leblanc have written to Thompson urging her to meet with Brady and find solutions.

“Jennifer Brady deserves to have access to health care. She shouldn’t have to fight for years to access treatment. We hope the Health Minister will do the right thing and meet with her so Jennifer can get the care she needs,” said Chender. “Considering there are no specialists in Nova Scotia and the Minister has the power to accept the referral from an out-of-province expert, the very least she could do is sit down with Ms. Brady, stop fighting her in court, and let her know that she can avail herself of the medical care she needs.”
