October 22nd, 2024

New AG report raises important concerns about health data security

HALIFAX – The following is a statement from NSNDP Leader Claudia Chender following the Auditor General’s report on the lack of effective cybersecurity for Nova Scotia’s health networks:

“The Auditor General’s report, which revealed that the province is not providing effective cybersecurity for Nova Scotia’s digital health networks, is very concerning. As the Houston government continues to rely on digital solutions to address the province’s growing health crisis, they must also ensure that the health information of Nova Scotians is protected.
The report found a ‘pervasive tolerance for accepting cybersecurity risk and failure to manage ongoing risks.’ This is unacceptable.
We have been raising the alarm about the security of Nova Scotians’ private health information for months. With millions of dollars in untendered health contracts for the YourHealthNS app, unsolicited partnerships with Google, and questions from regulators about the lack of privacy protections in health legislation, there are serious questions about how the government is protecting our information. We need a clear plan from Premier Tim Houston about how this government will keep this data safe.
The protection of Nova Scotians’ health data is paramount. Nova Scotians deserve a government who will work for them to ensure their information is safe and they can get the health care they need.”
