February 8th, 2024

Nova Scotians struggling under the weight of increased costs

HALIFAX – In the last two years, the cost of living has skyrocketed making it harder for more and more Nova Scotians to make ends meet.

In the last two years, life has become more unaffordable.

  • The cost of groceries increased over 6 percent last year, and 13 percent the year before.
  • The average rent of a two-bedroom apartment in Halifax went up 11 percent last year. Overall, the cost of rent went up 14.4 percent in Nova Scotia in 2023.
  • Power rates have increased 13.6 percent in two years, and families are struggling to make ends meet.

Meanwhile, the Houston government’s revenue has increased. According to the December budget update:

  • the Houston government collected over $160 million more in HST than they did all of Fiscal 2022-2023.
  • Revenue from all sources was nearly $500 million more than projected in the budget.
  • The province collected $229 million more in income tax revenue and almost $64 million more in HST revenue than expected.

The NSNDP is committed to helping Nova Scotians by:

  • Reining in Nova Scotia Power and helping you heat your home,
  • Getting rid of unnecessary vehicle inspections and license fees, and
  • Providing free meals to kids at school.
