March 6th, 2025

Premier must answer Nova Scotians' growing concerns

HALIFAX –New Democrats are demanding that Premier Tim Houston appear before the legislature’s budget committee to answer Nova Scotians’ pressing questions about the impact of Trump’s tariffs and the government’s repeated pattern of pushing its own secretive agenda.

Hundreds of Nova Scotians took to the streets on Wednesday to show their frustrations with the Houston government’s undemocratic policies and demand to be heard.

“While Nova Scotians are looking for stability and relief, we’ve seen Tim Houston’s government push its own agenda. We have seen attempts to undermine the Auditor General and the Privacy Commissioner, policies that let them fire public servants without cause and intrude upon the autonomy of our provinces’ universities and municipalities, less non-partisan information for Nova Scotians and a blatant disregard for consultation,” said NSNDP Leader Claudia Chender. “No one voted for these measures, and they certainly didn’t vote for a government to begin pulling policies out of thin air without consultation or debate.
“New Democrats are listening. That's why we're demanding that the premier answer your questions in your legislature this Friday.”

The Houston government’s pattern of deciding first and consulting later leaves people feeling disrespected and ignored. When Nova Scotians are already struggling with the high costs of housing, utilities and groceries – the last thing they need is another financial burden from the impact of tariffs.

“Nova Scotians are deeply concerned that this government isn’t listening or addressing the issues that matter to them,” said Chender. “Given the priorities we’ve seen from the government, it’s not too much to ask for the premier to show up and do his job. No government has the right to push its own surprise agenda; they are elected to serve the will of Nova Scotians – it can never be the other way around. Nova Scotians deserve answers and New Democrats are bringing Tim Houston people’s questions.”
